Statistics on hunger can be shocking and show that 2 hungry people out of 3 live in 7 countries, namely India, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Congo, Indonesia, China and Pakistan. In 1970, the United Nations took up the issue of hunger on a priority basis and 126 nations agreed to 0.7 percent of their income for foreign aid. Today, just 5 countries, namely Sweden, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands, have managed to keep their end of the pledge.
Have a look at this infographic which provides the important hunger and poverty facts.

Poverty is the main cause of hunger, and hunger is a cause of poverty. When people go malnourished, they lose brain functionality and the mental resources to be a productive asset in society or earn money. In 2010, an estimated 7.6 million children — more than 20,000 a day — died from hunger.
This infogrpahic lets you know:
- The presents status of global hunger
- Availability of food
- The worst affacted areas
- Possible Solutions
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