Thursday, 4 July 2013


*The water of Antarctica is so cold that nothing can rot there.
  • An Earthquake on Dec 16 , 1811 caused parts of Mississippi river to flow backwards.
  • If Antarctica Sheet melted , the world's ocean would rise by 60-65 metres everywhere.
  • The Amazon rain forest produces produces more than 20% of the world's water supply.
  • The Sahara desert expands at about 1 km per month.
  • The North Atlantic gets centi metres wider every year.
  • The average Ice Berg weighs 20,000,000 tons!  
  • It takes a drop of ocean water more than 1000 years to circulate around the world.
  • Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill.
  • A volcano has enough power to shoot ash as high as 50 km into the atmosphere.
  • Even Antarctica has an area code . Its 672.
  • 10 of the tributaries Flowing into the Amazon river are as big as Mississippi river
  • One Cubic miles of Seawater contains abt 25 kg of gold.
  • On an Average , 20,000 earthquakes are located each year , world wide.
  • There is Zero gravity at the center of the earth. 
  • A storm officially becomes a Hurricane when cyclone wind reach 199 km/hr
  • Earth is slowing down - In a few million years there wont be a leap year.
  • Thousands of Metorites falls into earth every year but most fall in  seas and unpopulated areas

Top 8 World's Deadliest Snakes

Everyone Knows that Snakes are one of the Most Dangerous Creatures of the World .  Snakes are so poisonous That snake bites can even lead to the Death of the Person .  Here are The World's Top 8 Deadliest snakes  >>>>

8. Barba Amarilla :
Barba Amarilla Is a Venomous Viper species found between South Mexico and North South America . Sometimes these snakes are often Referred to as "ULTIMATE PIT VIPERS" . Barba Amarilla is one of the World's deadliest snakes . These snakes are found mainly near Human Habitation . Since they are found  near Human Habitats , They are considered more dangerous to Humans than any other organism
Some of the common Names of Bara Amarilla are  :
Terciopelo , Fer-De-Lance , Equis Etc . These snakes have Broad , Flatten heads Which are set apart from rest of their body .  These snakes have more scales .  These Snakes may weigh upto 6 kg(13 lbs) and are often 1.2 to 1.8 meter in length . 
7. BoomSlang  :
Boomslang is a large Venomous snake and is among the World's deadliest snakes . It is also known as Tree snake .The average adult Boomslang is 100-160 cm in total length but some exceeds 183 cm (6 feet) . Eyes of these snakes are exceptionally large and they have egg shaped head .Males are light green with black but females may be brown . Boomslang are only found in Sub Saharan Africa .The Boomslang hunts by extending the forward part of its body motionless from a tree . Their diet includes CHAMELEON and other ARBOREAL LIZARDS AND FROGS and occasionally  SMALL MAMMALS , BIRDS AND EGGS From NESTING BIRDS . These Snakes Deliver their Venom by chewing on their Victim until the Victim Succumbs To the Toxins .
6. Eastern Tiger Snake
The Eastern Tiger Snake is an elapid from South Eastern Australia . Its is one of the most Deadliest snakes of the world and is highly poisonous . It can reach upto 6.5 feet in length . They feed on frogs , mice , birds , lizards etc . As it prepares to strike , It flattens its head and neck in a manner similar to Asian and African Cobras . The eastern Tiger Snake is Light Brown to Greyish in colour and sometimes even olive in colour . Its underparts are cream to yellow in colour .

5. Saw Scaled Viper
Saw Scaled Viper is one of the Venomous Viper found in Dry Region of Africa , The middle east , Pakistan , India and Sri lanka . They Are characterized by a stout body with a pear shaped head that is distinct from the neck  , Rough and strongly keeled scales and a short thin tail. Adults Range in length from 1 to 3 feet . These snakes includes various shades of brown , grey or orange .

4. Branded Krait
The branded krait is a species of venomous snakes found in Indian Subcontinent and in south eastern Asia . It is a one of the deadliest snakes of the world with a maximum length upto 2.1 metre . The Branded Krait occur in a variety of Habitats including forests , agricultural and coastal areas . It is often encountered close to water bodies . It feeds on other vertebrates including rodents , lizards and other snakes . Though it is highly venomous , it does not have an aggressive Temperament during day . During night , it becomes more active and dangerous  The branded Krait is easily identified by the alternating black and yellow bands , which are of equal thickness and extend onto the ventral surface . 

3. King Cobra
The king Cobra is the longest Venomous snake of the world with a length upto 5.6 - 5.7 metre . King Cobras are located throughout Southeast Asia . They can be found in parts of India , China , Malaysia and Indonesia . Their Habitats include Dense forests , and bamboo thickets , usually near swamps , rivers and streams . A large portion of King Corbra's Diet consist of Other snakes . They also feed on rodents or lizards . Its bite delivers a Tremendous amount of paralysis - Inducing Neuro toxins  . The snake's Venom is so strong and voluminous that it can kill an elephant in just a few hours . Death also results in atleast 50-60 percent of untreated human cases.

2. Coastal Taipan
The Coastal Taipan is found in northern and eastern Australia . It lives in open forests , dry closed forests , coastal heaths and grassy beach dunes . These snakes can be light olive to dark Russet brown in colour but sometimes can be dark grey or black . Their eye is reddish in colour . The belly is cream and usually marked with orange or pink flecks . These snakes can grow upto 2.9 metre in lenght . These species are active during day and also in early evening during hot weather . This is a dangerous venomous species with strongly neurotoxic venom . Many human deaths have resulted by bites from these species. Its bites are lethal in more than 80 percent of the untreated cases.

1. Inland Taipan
Is is also known is fierce snake. It can reach upto the length of 3.5 metre . The upper surface of the snake can vary from dark brown to light straw colour. This Snake Ranks top in the world's deadliest snakes .These snakes delivers a veritable witch's brew of toxins . The venom consists of taipoxin that paralyze muscles , inhibit breathing and damages muscles.  This snake inhabits the black soil plains where Queensland , South Australia and the Northern Territory Borders converge . These snakes feed on Rodents , small mammals etc . Rats are their most favourite food .The popularity of these snakes depend on the availability of their favourite pray. 

Facts About Animals

  • The bird that cannot move its eye but can turn its neck to look back - Owl
  • The number of quilts that a porcupine - 30,000
  • The animal that washes its food before eating - Raccoon
  • The mammal that lays egg - Echidna
  • The technique for making wild bird for recognition - Ringing
  • The word dianosaur comes from two greek words which mean - Terrible lizard
  • The sound made by falcon is called - Chant
  • The only wildlife santuary in india that has four big cats , tigers,leopards,snow leopards and clouded leopards is at -                       Ranthmbore                                                                                                                         
  • The venomous snake that grows upto 180cm in length and has the longest fangs -  gabon viper
  • Butterflies and honey bees suck nectar with the help of - Proboscis
  • The minimum temperature in which arctic fox can survive - -50 F

  • This is the smallest member of the whale family - Dwarf sperm
  • The amount of life which a walrus spends in water - Two third
  • The other name of wild beast is - Gnu
  • The smallest monkey in the world - Pygmy marmoset
  • The characteristic difference between whale and porpoise - Elongated snout
  • The marine animal most adapted to land - Polar bear
  • The only shark harmless to humans - Hammer head shard

Defence: Indian Nucler Missile Arsenal

This post focuses on the important nuclear missiles in our defence arsenal. It mostly covers surface-to-surface missiles. Other missiles will also be covered in a subsequent post.
AGNI : The Agni missile is a group or series of Medium Range Ballistic missiles made by India .  Dr Avinash Chander is the man behind  the series of AGNI missiles .   Agni missiles use a strap-down INS System for navigation. There are 6 missiles in Agni Series :  AGNI I  , AGNI II  , AGNI III , AGNI IV , AGNI V , AGNI VI .
AGNI I : It is a medium based ballistic missile developed by India. For the very first time , It was tested in the Test range of Chandipur in 1989. Agni I weighs 12000 kg and has a length of 15  . It can move with a speed of 2.5 km per second. It is capable of carrying warheads of 1000 kg . Agni I has a range of 700 km with an effective accuracy of 25 m CEP (Circular Error Probable).
AGNI II : It is an Intermediate Range Ballistic missile . Agni 2 was first tested on 11 april 1999 at 9:47 am in Bay Of Bengal . With length 20 m and diameter 1.30 m , Agni 2 has a weight of 16000 kg. It can carry a warhead load up to 1000 kgs. It has a speed of 3.9 km/sec with a range of 2000 – 3000 km . When carrying less load , Agni 2 can even achieve a range of 3500 km . One of the most impressive quality of Agni 2 is high accuracy . It has a accuracy of 40m CEP. Agni II can be deployed very quickly , within 15 minutes and each missile cost 35 crores.
AGNI III :   Agni III is an Intermediate based ballistic Missile. It has a length of 16.7 m , diameter 1.85 m with weight of 48,000 kg .It is a ballistic missile that can be used in the delivery of nuclear material.  It is one of the most important missiles of Indian Defence system . This missile is capable of carrying warhead of weight up to 2000 kg and has an accuracy of 40 m CEP and has a range of 3500 – 5000 km.
AGNI IV : Agni 4 is the 4th missile in the family of Agni.It is a Intermediate range ballistic Missile.  It has a length of 20m with weight 17,000 kg . This missile is very light in weight as compared to other previous missiles in the Agni family . It was successfully test fired on 15th November 2011. It can carry up to 1000 kg of warheads and have a range of 3500 – 4000 km. By this missile , India is now able to reach targets across Asia and Europe.
AGNI V : Agni 5 is an Intercontinental range ballistic missile . This missile is heavier than the previous missiles in the Agni series , and weighs 50,000 kg.It has a length of 17.5 m with diameter of 2 m. Agni 5 was successfully test-fired on 19th April 2012 at 8:05 am . It has a range of 5000 km and can carry warheads up to 1500 kgs. Development of Agni 5 is still in process.  It has been assumed that it will be operational by 2014 – 2015.
PRITHVI : Prithvi is the first short range ballistic missile built under “Integrated Guided Missile Development Program” in 1983. It is a tactical nuclear weapon and has 3 variants : Prithvi I , Prithvi II , Prithvi III .

PRITHVI 1 – Prithvi 1 is a short range surface missile . It can carry warheads upto 1000 kg and has a range of 150 km. It weighs 4400 kg and has a length of 9 m. It has an accuracy of 10-50 m CEP . India made this missile with European support. The body of this missile is made up of an alloy of aluminium. This missile falls on its target at an angle of 80 degree.
PRITHVI II – Prithvi II is the enhanced version of Prithvi 1. This new version of Prithvi I has range of 250 km and weighs 4600 kg .The missile in 8.56 m in length with diameter of 1.1 m. Indian air force is the primary user of this missile. It can carry a payload of 500-1000 kg.This missile have accuracy of 50 m CEP. The accuracy of this missile makes it a battlefield weapon of choice.
PRITHVI III : It is a ship to surface missile . This missile has a capability of carrying 1000 kg warheads to a distance of 350 km. This missile weighs 5600 kg and has a length of 8.56 m. It has a range of 350-600 km. Prithvi 3 was first tested in 2000 . Till yet , this missile have not become completely operational due to some of the deficiencies in it.